ELinks : |
0.10rc3 was released as 0.10.0 with only a few changes including a much improved Perl hooks file and some bug fixes.
Late the 20th of December Zas announced the birth of his daughter Thelma. In dedication to young Ms. Thelma, hopefully future master coder of ELinks, the upcoming stable 0.10-branch will be codenamed Thelma.
Here goes the second release candidate. At some point during the past couple of days the patching became rather hectic. Most of it is work going into the ECMAScript support, which still is very experimental and unstable, but the rest of the code should be fairly unaffected by it. The main changes includes fixes for a lot of bugs marked as blockers and something not seen very often: new documentation.
It has various new features like HTTP digest authentication and important fixes included some backported from the links-1.0 prereleases.
This release includes a handful of bugfixes. One of them is a serious security fix. Note that from this release and forward the distributed files will also be available as a .tar.gz file.
Apart from some serious security fixes and other stability related fixes this release adds a few new enhancements to the viewer.
This release adds begining infrastructure for javascripting. It is still very beta so please report issues back to us. Also HTML source highlighting is now available as a feature making it much easier to navigate the scary place of HTML code.
It contains two fixes: one for manpage comments and the second for HTTP redirecting. This could very well be the last release in the stable 0.9 branch.
This release sports quite a few bugfixes and improvements all over the tree. Most important new thing is improvements in the CSS parsing and selector handling so that ELinks now honours more styles. Also the possibility to easily control what IP version to use is very exciting.
With almost 4000 patches this release is a giant step forward but at the same time it is far from being stable so expect it to crash or do other annoying things. The announcement highlights the most important changes and what to expect in the following releases in the unstable branch.
This release jumps from the previous 0.9.2rc4 to 0.9.2rc7 due to the new incompetent maintainer fumbling with the version numbers. ;-) It mostly features backported bugfixes. Please tell us about any problems you will meet.
Pasky announced that he is stepping down as the maintainer of the project. Fortunately he will still be around to participate in discussions and contribute code. The maintainership is handed over to Jonas.
It does not claim to fix all the known bugs because along the process we surely forgot to backport some bugfixes, please tell us about any problems you will meet.
Optional support for using GNU libidn has been added to the unstable branch. It needs a lot of testing so please report back any problems.
Rewriting the HTML parser has been on the TODO list for a long time. ELusive was the first attempt and now a new attempt is being made. This time with the goal of not only rewriting the parser but also the renderer and finally make it possible to hook a JavaScript interpreter into the DOM framework.
The code lives in a separate branch named ECMASCRIPT
A little screenshot of the syntax highlighted source for this page using CSS and DOM.
Pasky has put together a document describing what he would like to have in the next mayor stable release.
The work on supporting Cascading Style Sheets has begone. Among the small things to enjoy is highlighting of search terms when viewing cached pages from google and then links on freashmeat are now underlined. Still a lot to do but the basic infrastucture regarding CSS parsing is taking shape.
Last Modified: 23-Feb-2008 11:12:22 CEST. Validate: CSS XHTML.