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elinkskeys - keybindings for ELinks


Information on how to configure keybinding and overview of the default keybindings.


Key binding for elinks should be placed in the file ~/.elinks/elinks.conf. Note that any information regarding their format/structure may not be up-to-date. If you will discover that, please feed us with a patch.

Key binding statements are of the form:

bind <keymap> <keystroke> = <action>


is main, edit, or menu. The main keymap is used for general browsing. The edit keymap is used for editing text fields. The menu keymap is used for navigating menus.
is a case sensitive key, which you can prefix with Ctrl-, Alt-, or both. Ctrl- must be followed by an uppercase key. See below for a list of valid keys.
is what the key should do. The actions available are dependent on the keymap, and are listed separately below.

All words/strings may all be quoted "like so". Backslashes are escape characters, even if not between quotes. Lines beginning with a hash character (#) are comments.

Keys can be unbound just by binding them to the special none action. It may be of use if you accidentally type a key often.


Some sample keybindings:

bind "main" "v" = "view-image"
bind "main" "l" = "jump-to-link"
bind "main" "L" = "link-menu"
bind "main" "F10" = "file-menu"
bind "main" "F9" = "menu"
bind "main" "Escape" = "menu"
bind "edit" "Ctrl-R" = "auto-complete-unambiguous"
bind "edit" "Ctrl-W" = "auto-complete"
bind "edit" "Ctrl-K" = "kill-to-eol"
bind "menu" "Ctrl-B" = "page-up"
bind "menu" "PageUp" = "page-up"
bind "menu" "Ctrl-F" = "page-down"
bind "menu" "PageDown" = "page-down"
# ELinks with Lua support
bind "main" "," = "lua-console"


Valid keys are: alphanumeric characters, punctuation, Enter, Backspace, Tab, Escape, Left, Right, Up, Down, Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1 to F12.

Some keys will need to be quoted or escaped. For example, space can be written as " " (quote space quote), and the quote itself as \" (backslash quote). Backslash can be written as \\ (double backslash).



Action Description
abort-connection Abort connection
add-bookmark Add a new bookmark
add-bookmark-link Add a new bookmark using current link
add-bookmark-tabs Bookmark all open tabs
auth-manager Open authentication manager
backspace-prefix Backspace the last entered digit of the current prefix
bookmark-manager Open bookmark manager
cache-manager Open cache manager
cache-minimize Free unused cache entries
cookie-manager Open cookie manager
cookies-load Reload cookies file
copy-clipboard Copy text to clipboard
document-info Show information about the current page
download-manager Open download manager
exmode Enter ex-mode (command line)
file-menu Open the File menu
find-next Find the next occurrence of the current search text
find-next-back Find the previous occurrence of the current search text
forget-credentials Forget authentication credentials
formhist-manager Open form history manager
frame-external-command Pass URI of current frame to external command
frame-maximize Maximize the current frame
frame-next Move to the next frame
frame-prev Move to the previous frame
goto-url Open "Go to URL" dialog box
goto-url-current Open "Go to URL" dialog box containing the current URL
goto-url-current-link Open "Go to URL" dialog box containing the current link URL
goto-url-home Go to the homepage
header-info Show information about the current page protocol headers
history-manager Open history manager
history-move-back Return to the previous document in history
history-move-forward Go forward in history
jump-to-link Jump to link
keybinding-manager Open keybinding manager
kill-backgrounded-connections Kill all backgrounded connections
link-download Download the current link
link-download-image Download the current image
link-download-resume Attempt to resume download of the current link
link-external-command Pass URI of current link to external command
link-follow Follow the current link
link-follow-reload Follow the current link, forcing reload of the target
link-menu Open the link context menu
link-form-menu Open the form fields menu
lua-console Open a Lua console
mark-goto Go at a specified mark
mark-set Set a mark
menu Activate the menu
move-cursor-down Move cursor down
move-cursor-left Move cursor left
move-cursor-line-start Move cursor to the start of the line
move-cursor-right Move cursor right
move-cursor-up Move cursor up
move-document-end Move to the end of the document
move-document-start Move to the start of the document
move-link-down Move one link down
move-link-down-line Move to the next line with a link
move-link-left Move one link left
move-link-left-line Move one link left or to the previous link
move-link-next Move to the next link
move-link-prev Move to the previous link
move-link-right Move one link right
move-link-right-line Move one link right or to the next link
move-link-up Move one link up
move-link-up-line Move to the previous line with a link
move-page-down Move downwards by a page
move-page-up Move upwards by a page
open-link-in-new-tab Open the current link in a new tab
open-link-in-new-tab-in-background Open the current link in a new tab in the background
open-link-in-new-window Open the current link in a new window
open-new-tab Open a new tab
open-new-tab-in-background Open a new tab in the background
open-new-window Open a new window
open-os-shell Open an OS shell
options-manager Open options manager
quit Open a quit confirmation dialog box
really-quit Quit without confirmation
redraw Redraw the terminal
reload Reload the current page
rerender Re-render the current page
reset-form Reset form items to their initial values
resource-info Show information about the currently used resources
save-as Save the current document in source form
save-formatted Save the current document in formatted form
save-options Save options
save-url-as Save URL as
scroll-down Scroll down
scroll-left Scroll left
scroll-right Scroll right
scroll-up Scroll up
search Search for a text pattern
search-back Search backwards for a text pattern
search-typeahead Search link text by typing ahead
search-typeahead-link Search link text by typing ahead
search-typeahead-text Search document text by typing ahead
search-typeahead-text-back Search document text backwards by typing ahead
show-term-options Show terminal options dialog
submit-form Submit form
submit-form-reload Submit form and reload
tab-close Close tab
tab-close-all-but-current Close all tabs but the current one
tab-external-command Pass URI of current tab to external command
tab-menu Open the tab menu
tab-move-left Move the current tab to the left
tab-move-right Move the current tab to the right
tab-next Next tab
tab-prev Previous tab
terminal-resize Open the terminal resize dialog
toggle-css Toggle rendering of page using CSS
toggle-display-images Toggle displaying of links to images
toggle-display-tables Toggle rendering of tables
toggle-document-colors Toggle usage of document specific colors
toggle-html-plain Toggle rendering page as HTML / plain text
toggle-mouse Toggle mouse handling
toggle-numbered-links Toggle displaying of links numbers
toggle-plain-compress-empty-lines Toggle plain renderer compression of empty lines
toggle-wrap-text Toggle wrapping of text
view-image View the current image


Action Description
auto-complete Attempt to auto-complete the input
auto-complete-file Attempt to auto-complete a local file
auto-complete-unambiguous Attempt to unambiguously auto-complete the input
backspace Delete character in front of the cursor
beginning-of-buffer Go to the first line of the buffer
cancel Cancel current state
copy-clipboard Copy text to clipboard
cut-clipboard Cut text to clipboard
delete Delete character under cursor
down Move cursor downwards
end Go to the end of the page/line
end-of-buffer Go to the last line of the buffer
enter Follow the current link
home Go to the start of the page/line
kill-to-bol Delete to beginning of line
kill-to-eol Delete to end of line
kill-word-back Delete backwards to start of word
left Move the cursor left
move-backward-word Move cursor before current word
move-forward-word Move cursor after current word
next-item Move to the next item
open-external Open in external editor
paste-clipboard Paste text from the clipboard
previous-item Move to the previous item
redraw Redraw the terminal
right Move the cursor right
search-toggle-regex Toggle regex matching (type-ahead searching)
up Move cursor upwards


Action Description
cancel Cancel current state
delete Delete character under cursor
down Move cursor downwards
end Go to the end of the page/line
enter Follow the current link
expand Expand item
home Go to the start of the page/line
left Move the cursor left
mark-item Mark item
next-item Move to the next item
page-down Move downwards by a page
page-up Move upwards by a page
previous-item Move to the previous item
redraw Redraw the terminal
right Move the cursor right
search Search for a text pattern
select Select current highlighted item
unexpand Collapse item
up Move cursor upwards


The default bindings are shown below. Any bindings in ~/.elinks/elinks.conf will override these.


Key Description (Action)
Space Move downwards by a page (move-page-down)
# Search link text by typing ahead (search-typeahead)
% Toggle usage of document specific colors (toggle-document-colors)
* Toggle displaying of links to images (toggle-display-images)
, Open a Lua console (lua-console)
. Toggle displaying of links numbers (toggle-numbered-links)
/ Search for a text pattern (search)
: Enter ex-mode (command line) (exmode)
< Previous tab (tab-prev)
Alt-< Move the current tab to the left (tab-move-left)
= Show information about the current page (document-info)
> Next tab (tab-next)
Alt-> Move the current tab to the right (tab-move-right)
? Search backwards for a text pattern (search-back)
A Add a new bookmark using current link (add-bookmark-link)
Ctrl-A Move to the start of the document (move-document-start)
Ctrl-B Move upwards by a page (move-page-up)
C Open cache manager (cache-manager)
D Open download manager (download-manager)
E Open "Go to URL" dialog box containing the current link URL (goto-url-current-link)
Ctrl-E Move to the end of the document (move-document-end)
F Open form history manager (formhist-manager)
Ctrl-F Move downwards by a page (move-page-down)
G Open "Go to URL" dialog box containing the current URL (goto-url-current)
H Go to the homepage (goto-url-home)
K Open cookie manager (cookie-manager)
Ctrl-K Reload cookies file (cookies-load)
L Open the link context menu (link-menu)
Ctrl-L Redraw the terminal (redraw)
N Find the previous occurrence of the current search text (find-next-back)
Ctrl-N Scroll down (scroll-down)
Ctrl-P Scroll up (scroll-up)
Q Quit without confirmation (really-quit)
Ctrl-R Reload the current page (reload)
T Open the current link in a new tab in the background (open-link-in-new-tab-in-background)
W Toggle wrapping of text (toggle-wrap-text)
[ Scroll left (scroll-left)
' Go at a specified mark (mark-goto)
\ Toggle rendering page as HTML / plain text (toggle-html-plain)
] Scroll right (scroll-right)
a Add a new bookmark (add-bookmark)
b Move upwards by a page (move-page-up)
c Close tab (tab-close)
d Download the current link (link-download)
e Open the tab menu (tab-menu)
f Maximize the current frame (frame-maximize)
g Open "Go to URL" dialog box (goto-url)
h Open history manager (history-manager)
k Open keybinding manager (keybinding-manager)
l Jump to link (jump-to-link)
m Set a mark (mark-set)
n Find the next occurrence of the current search text (find-next)
o Open options manager (options-manager)
q Open a quit confirmation dialog box (quit)
r Attempt to resume download of the current link (link-download-resume)
s Open bookmark manager (bookmark-manager)
t Open a new tab (open-new-tab)
u Go forward in history (history-move-forward)
v View the current image (view-image)
x Follow the current link, forcing reload of the target (link-follow-reload)
z Abort connection (abort-connection)
{ Scroll left (scroll-left)
| Show information about the current page protocol headers (header-info)
} Scroll right (scroll-right)
Backspace Backspace the last entered digit of the current prefix (backspace-prefix)
Delete Scroll down (scroll-down)
Down Move to the next link (move-link-next)
End Move to the end of the document (move-document-end)
Enter Follow the current link (link-follow)
Ctrl-Enter Follow the current link, forcing reload of the target (link-follow-reload)
Escape Activate the menu (menu)
F10 Open the File menu (file-menu)
F9 Activate the menu (menu)
Home Move to the start of the document (move-document-start)
Insert Scroll up (scroll-up)
Ctrl-Insert Copy text to clipboard (copy-clipboard)
Left Return to the previous document in history (history-move-back)
PageDown Move downwards by a page (move-page-down)
PageUp Move upwards by a page (move-page-up)
Right Follow the current link (link-follow)
Ctrl-Right Follow the current link, forcing reload of the target (link-follow-reload)
Tab Move to the next frame (frame-next)
Alt-Tab Move to the previous frame (frame-prev)
Shift-Tab Move to the previous frame (frame-prev)
Up Move to the previous link (move-link-prev)


Key Description (Action)
Alt-< Go to the first line of the buffer (beginning-of-buffer)
Alt-> Go to the last line of the buffer (end-of-buffer)
Ctrl-A Go to the start of the page/line (home)
Alt-b Move cursor before current word (move-backward-word)
Ctrl-D Delete character under cursor (delete)
Ctrl-E Go to the end of the page/line (end)
Alt-f Move cursor after current word (move-forward-word)
Ctrl-H Delete character in front of the cursor (backspace)
Ctrl-K Delete to end of line (kill-to-eol)
Ctrl-L Redraw the terminal (redraw)
Alt-r Toggle regex matching (type-ahead searching) (search-toggle-regex)
Ctrl-F Attempt to auto-complete a local file (auto-complete-file)
Ctrl-R Attempt to unambiguously auto-complete the input (auto-complete-unambiguous)
Ctrl-T Open in external editor (open-external)
Ctrl-U Delete to beginning of line (kill-to-bol)
Ctrl-V Paste text from the clipboard (paste-clipboard)
Ctrl-W Attempt to auto-complete the input (auto-complete)
Ctrl-X Cut text to clipboard (cut-clipboard)
Alt-Backspac e Delete backwards to start of word (kill-word-back)
Backspace Delete character in front of the cursor (backspace)
Delete Delete character under cursor (delete)
Down Move cursor downwards (down)
End Go to the end of the page/line (end)
Enter Follow the current link (enter)
Escape Cancel current state (cancel)
F4 Open in external editor (open-external)
Home Go to the start of the page/line (home)
Ctrl-Insert Copy text to clipboard (copy-clipboard)
Left Move the cursor left (left)
Right Move the cursor right (right)
Tab Move to the next item (next-item)
Alt-Tab Move to the previous item (previous-item)
Shift-Tab Move to the previous item (previous-item)
Up Move cursor upwards (up)


Key Description (Action)
Space Select current highlighted item (select)
* Mark item (mark-item)
+ Expand item (expand)
- Collapse item (unexpand)
/ Search for a text pattern (search)
= Expand item (expand)
Ctrl-A Go to the start of the page/line (home)
Ctrl-B Move upwards by a page (page-up)
Ctrl-E Go to the end of the page/line (end)
Ctrl-F Move downwards by a page (page-down)
Ctrl-L Redraw the terminal (redraw)
Ctrl-N Move cursor downwards (down)
Ctrl-P Move cursor upwards (up)
Alt-V Move upwards by a page (page-up)
Ctrl-V Move downwards by a page (page-down)
[ Expand item (expand)
] Collapse item (unexpand)
_ Collapse item (unexpand)
Delete Delete character under cursor (delete)
Down Move cursor downwards (down)
End Go to the end of the page/line (end)
Enter Follow the current link (enter)
Escape Cancel current state (cancel)
Home Go to the start of the page/line (home)
Insert Mark item (mark-item)
Left Move the cursor left (left)
PageDown Move downwards by a page (page-down)
PageUp Move upwards by a page (page-up)
Right Move the cursor right (right)
Tab Move to the next item (next-item)
Alt-Tab Move to the previous item (previous-item)
Shift-Tab Move to the previous item (previous-item)
Up Move cursor upwards (up)


This manual page was finally written by Peter Wang (one and a half years after writing the binding code), using excerpts by David Mediavilla. You can thank Petr Baudis for the subtle requests for documentation. Updated by Zas. Moved to asciidoc format and cleaned up by Jonas Fonseca.


elinks(1), elinks.conf(5)

Last Modified: 21-Sep-2008 21:27:30 EEST. Validate: CSS XHTML.