The Download Dialog

The download dialog gives an overview of the state of the download, such as progress, and a summary of which places in the torrent pieces have been downloaded from. A view of the download dialog along with highlights of the most important parts of the dialog is given below:

+--------------------------------------- Download ---------------------------------------+
|                                                                                        |
|  bittorrent:         |
|                                                                                        |
|  [|||||||||                                9%                                       ]  |
|                                                                                        |
|  [| |||||||||||||||||||  |  |                                                    |  ]  |
|                                                                                        |
|  Received 65 MiB of 681 MiB                                                            |
|  Average speed 269 KiB/s, current speed 291 KiB/s                                      |
|  Elapsed time 4:08, estimated time 38:58                                               |
|                                                                                        |
|  Status: downloading (rarest first)                                                    |
|  Peers: 7 connections, 5 seeders, 0 available                                          |
|  Upload: 816 KiB, 3.2 KiB/s, 3.2 KiB/s average, 1:1 in 5:36:06                         |
|  Sharing: 0.012 (816 KiB uploaded / 65 MiB downloaded)                                 |
|  Pieces: 242 completed, 22 in progress, 2485 remaining                                 |
|  Statistics: 9 in memory                                                               |
|                                                                                        |
| [ Background ] [ Background with notify ] [ Info ] [ Abort ] [ Abort and delete file ] |

The first bar shows the overall progress of the download along with a percentage of how much data has been downloaded. The second bar provides an overview of the piece completion progress, such as where in the torrent pieces has been downloaded from.

Below the information about download speed and time estimations, several lines about the internal state of the client and its view of the swarm is displayed. For example the Status line shows which connection mode the client has entered along with the piece selection strategy if any. Here you will also find information about upload speed and sharing rates. Finally, the Pieces and Statistics lines display information from the piece cache. This includes the number of pieces which are currently held in memory, and the number of pieces currently being downloaded.